Successful Socialization of Agrosilvopastura and Lanceng Beekeeping in Kradinan Village by PPK HMFT UNIPMA 

The PPK work program of the Faculty of Engineering Student Association (HMFT) of Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) successfully held a socialization of the application of Agrosilvopastura and lanceng beekeeping in Kradinan village, Madiun, on 18/07/2024, yesterday. The event was attended by Dr. Elva Nuraina, S.E., M.Si (UNIPMA Vice Rector for Field I), Nasrul Rofiah Hidayati, S.T., M.Pd (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNIPMA), Slamet Riyanto, S.T., M.M (Vice Dean I FT UNIPMA), and the ranks of UNIPMA Faculty of Engineering lecturers.

The activity began with the opening by the MC, followed by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya. Furthermore, the Chief Executive delivered an activity report, which was then followed by remarks and official opening by Dr. Elva Nuraina, S.E., M.Si and Mr. Sumedi, as the supervisor of the Forest Farmers Group (KTH).

An important moment in this event was the earth alms which was marked by the cutting of tumpeng by Dr. Elva Nuraina, S.E., M.Si. The tumpeng was then handed over to Mr. Sumedi as a symbol of togetherness and gratitude. In addition, ginger and bee seeds were also handed over to KTH, as part of the local economic development program.

After the symbolic event, the activity continued with the simultaneous planting of ginger seedlings. The planting was carried out by Dr. Elva Nuraina, S.E., M.Si, Ms. Nasrul Rofiah Hidayati, S.T., M.Pd, Mr. Slamet Riyanto, S.T., M.M, as well as members of KTH and Youth Organization. This simultaneous planting aims to invite the people of Kradinan Village to actively participate in the Agrosilvopastura program, which combines agriculture, forestry, and lanceng beekeeping.

This program has the benefit of increasing the knowledge and skills of the Kradinan Village community in managing natural resources sustainably. In addition, this program also has a positive impact on the economic sector for the local community through the development of the potential of agriculture and lanceng beekeeping.

This activity received a positive response from the community and is expected to be an example for other villages in developing similar programs. With this program, it is hoped that Kradinan Village can become an independent and prosperous village through good natural resource management for sustainability.