UNIPMA Determines 46 New Students Receiving PIP Scholarships for the 2024/2025 Academic Year 

Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) has officially appointed 46 new students as recipients of the Indonesia Smart Lecture Programme Scholarship (PIP Lecture) for the 2024/2025 Academic Year. This determination was announced through an official announcement No: 1648/F/UNIPMA/2024, based on the results of the UNIPMA New Student Admission (PMB) selection.

Students who successfully passed the selection and received this scholarship came from various regions and had outstanding academic achievements. The PIP Lecture Scholarship is expected to help students to continue their higher education without being burdened by tuition fees.

The list of names of PIP Lecture scholarship recipients is as follows:

1. Khanaella Raffa Endika

2. Nurul Wahyuni

3. Ananda Putri Hapsari

4. Muhammad Kahli Dhustan Tanjung

5. Hery Setyawan

6. David Septiano

7. Agustin Muallifah

8. Delima Ayu Saraswati

9. Salma Hafizh

10. Siti Rahayu

11. Natasya Engelina

12. Bella Sukma Candrakirana

13. Tiara Tasya

14. Elsa Widya Citraningsih

15. Suci Rohmadhonah

16. Milany Dwi Ramadhany

17. Diah Nuril Rahmawati

18. Putra Aji Prastiya

19. Silvia Putri Ardiansah

20. Endra Apri Setyawan

21. Elisa Putri Purnamasari

22. Ica Faiqotul Abidah

23. Inggrid Vio Nusawati

24. Dhila Ayu Maharani

25. Sabrina Mei Dwi Anggraini

26. Elham Muhamad Rizki

27. Aprilia Ajeng Pramesti

28. Krisma Lofitasari

29. Andara Mashitoh

30. Gita Yulia Rohmawati

31. Sulistyo Hapsari

32. Karisma Anisa Putri

33. Erika Indah Apriliana

34. Tanaya Balqist Klalifan

35. Rizqi Agustina Fadhilah Rahma

36. Engelina Wulandari

37. Revaldo Indra Kusuma

38. Hanif Eka Saputra

39. Kiki Candra Andhika

40. Merrick William Van Halnsen

41. Wanda Nur Fadhilah

42. Farel Lovian Widinarta

43. Panji Sebaggalet

44. Niko Setyo Iswahyudi

45. Bagas Sulistyo

46. Khaerunnisa

The scholarship awarding was carried out by Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd (UNIPMA Rector), accompanied by Dr. Elva Nuraina, S.E., M.Si (Vice Rector for Field I), Dr. Jeffry Handika, M.Pd (Vice Rector for Field IV), as well as Dr. Muh. Waskito Ardhi, S.Pd., (UNIPMA PMB Team), and Dr. Nurulita Imansari, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Responsible for UNIIPMA PIP). The handover ceremony took place at the UNIPMA Integrated Lab on Friday, 30/08/2024, yesterday.

With this scholarship, UNIPMA hopes that the recipients can take advantage of this opportunity to develop themselves, both in the academic and non-academic fields, so that they can become qualified graduates who are ready to compete in the world of work.