Opening PKKMB 2024, UNIPMA Rector asks to continue the tradition of making achievements 

Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) officially opened a series of Campus Life Introduction activities for New Students (PKKMB) for the 2024/2025 academic year. The opening of the event entitled ‘Forming a Generation with Integrity, Adaptiveness, and Competitiveness’ was opened on Monday, 02/09/2024, yesterday at Graha Cendekia. UNIPMA Rector, Dr Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd., emphasized that this year's activities prioritise continuing the tradition of making achievements.

PKKMB this time was attended by 1,150 new students from five faculties, namely the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Health and Science (FIKS), Faculty of Engineering (FT), and Faculty of Law (FH). This activity was held for six days at the University level and four days at the faculty level.

UNIPMA Rector, Dr Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd., in his speech emphasised the importance of continuing the tradition of achievement that has become UNIPMA's identity. ‘I would like to welcome the young scholars. Let us continue the tradition of achievement and become a resilient, creative, and innovative generation,’ he said.

PKKMB is an opportunity for new students to get to know the campus environment more closely, and form a strong mentality and morality. Through this activity, students are expected to understand the academic culture and campus life that they will live. In addition, PKKMB is also an important moment to instil the values of integrity, adaptability, and competitiveness that will be a provision in their academic journey at UNIPMA.

Dr Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd also said that UNIPMA is one of the favourite campuses with various achievements that have been made, both in the academic field, arts and culture, as well as student talents and interests. This achievement, according to him, is the result of a good synergy between students, supervisors, study programmes, and faculties. ‘I hope the new students can continue the tradition of achievement and bring UNIPMA even more victorious,’ he said.

In addition to receiving material related to university policies, PKKMB participants will also participate in various sessions that discuss national insight, the dangers of radicalism and terrorism, and the development of an entrepreneurial spirit. This activity will last for six days, with two days at the university level and four days at the faculty level.