UNIPMA Lecturers and Students Share Stories of Building Forest Edge Life through Agrosilvopastura at RRI Madiun 

Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Madiun through the Mozaik Indonesia Community Empowerment program presented a resource person from Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) to share experiences about empowering forest edge communities. The program, which was broadcast at 15.00 WIB, Sunday, 25/08/2024, yesterday, raised the theme “Collaboration Together, Run the Agrosilvopastura Concept: UNIPMA Lecturers and Students in Empowering Forest Edge Communities.”

The three speakers invited to this event were Mr. Slamet Riyanto, ST, MM, (Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Engineering UNIPMA and Program Assistance Lecturer), Dafian Ilham Pratama, Chair of the UNIPMA Faculty of Engineering Student Association (HMFT), and Zahrotun Nisa' Zidan Al Fitri, Head of PPk Ormawa HMFT. They discussed the implementation of the agrosilvopastura concept in forest edge communities and how this program is run by UNIPMA students and lecturers.

Mr. Slamet Riyanto, ST, MM explained that this program is part of an effort to empower the community by optimally utilizing the potential of forest edge land.

Dafian Ilham Pratama and Zahrotun Nisa' Zidan Al Fitri then shared their experiences while implementing this program, including the challenges faced, such as weather conditions and difficult access to locations. However, the spirit and cooperation between students, lecturers, and the community were able to overcome these obstacles.

In addition, they also showed the results of this program, such as natural honey and processed products from ginger and lemongrass, which are made into instant ginger drinks. These products are part of an effort to increase the economic value of the local community's agricultural products.

Through this broadcast, UNIPMA and RRI hope to inspire more parties to get involved in similar programs that have a positive impact on society and the environment.