BKH UNIPMA Holds Socialization of Cooperation Reporting and Announcement of Study Program Cooperation Ranking 

The Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations (BKH) of Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) held a socialization event for reporting study program cooperation and announcing the results of cooperation ranking, on Tuesday, 09/07/2024 at the UNIPMA Integrated Lab. The event was attended by deans from various faculties, namely FKIP Dean, FT Dean, FIKS Dean, FEB Dean, FH Dean, Postgraduate Dean, and Head of Study Program (Kaprodi) at UNIPMA.

The opening remarks were given by the Vice Chancellor for Field IV, Dr. Jeffry Handika, M.Pd. He emphasized the importance of cooperation between study programs in order to improve the quality of education and expand institutional networks. Dr. Jeffry Handika, M.Pd also appreciated the hard work of each study program that has contributed to establishing cooperation that is beneficial to UNIPMA.

The reporting of study program cooperation using a form that has been adjusted for reporting to the Higher Education was delivered by the Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Sri Lestari, S.Pd., M.Pd. After the socialization of reporting, the announcement of the results of the ranking of cooperation was delivered by the Chief Executive, Mohammad Arfi Setiawan, S.Si., M.Pd.

He announced the winners of the study program cooperation ranking, with the Information Systems Study Program winning first place. The second winner was the Law Study Program, and the third winner was the Sports Science Study Program. For the honorable mentions, English Education Study Program won the first prize, Accounting Education Study Program as the second prize, and Physics Education Study Program as the third prize.

Mohammad Arfi Setiawan, S.Si., M.Pd emphasized that this ranking aims to encourage each study program to continue to innovate and improve the quality of cooperation. He also gave special appreciation to all study programs that have participated and shown high commitment in establishing productive cooperation.

This activity ended with a photo session with the winners, as a symbol of togetherness and appreciation for the hard work in building cooperation that is beneficial for the progress of UNIPMA.