PGRI Madiun University Releases KKN T MBKM Students in 2024 

Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) held a departure ceremony for students of the Thematic Real Work Lecture for Independent Campus Learning (KKN T MBKM) in collaboration with the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) of East Java Province. The event took place at the UNIPMA Integrated Lab, Monday, 08/07/2024.

KKN T MBKM BKKBN in 2024 is a thematic KKN program that has been carried out periodically for the last four years. This program specifically accommodates the Bangga Kencana program from BKKBN. According to the report sent from the head of the committee, Dr. Lulus Irawati, S.S., M.Pd, there were 60 students who participated, they came from seven study programs namely, PGSD, PG PAUD, Biology Education, Counseling Guidance, Pharmacy, Sports Science, and Informatics Engineering.

The students were divided into four groups and placed in several locations as follows:

- Group 1: 15 students in RW 05 Kanigoro Village, Madiun City.

- Group 2: 15 students in RW 10 Kanigoro Village, Madiun City.

- Group 3: 15 students in Blodro Hamlet and Mojorayung Hamlet, Mojorayung Village, Madiun Regency.

- Group 4: 15 students in Tambak Hamlet and Gedangan Hamlet, Mojorayung Village, Madiun Regency.

Students will live and implement their work programs at these locations from July 8-August 19, 2024. The implementation of KKN is equivalent to 10 credits which are divided into: 4 credits (Implementation of KKN in the field for 1 month and 2 weeks), and 6 credits (Completion of course assignments selected by the study program). This Thematic KKN flagship program covers the fields of Education, Health, Social, and Environment.

The departure ceremony was attended by the Rector of PGRI Madiun University, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd., Vice Rector for Field III, Dr. Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono, M.Pd., Head of Kanigoro Village, Head of Mojorayung Village, Head of LPPM, Dr. Fida Chasanatun, M.Pd., as well as committees and students participating in KKN T MBKM BKKBN PGRI Madiun University.

In his remarks, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd., appealed to students to carry out the Bangga Kencana work program and other work programs smoothly and on time.  "I hope that the work program of KKN student participants can benefit the community at the KKN location". He said.

The Rector also conveyed a message that students should be able to adapt, mingle with the community, and maintain themselves and the good name of the campus.