UNIPMA Library Launches Digital Book Collection "UNIPMA Library Reading Spot", Here are the Points! 

The Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Library of Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) announced to the entire academic community that in the 2023/2024 academic year, the UNIPMA Library has introduced the "UNIPMA Library Reading Spot", which is a digital book collection. This facility is available at various UNIPMA campuses.

Places to access UNIPMA Library Reading Spot are already in various locations, namely:

- Integrated Lab Campus, 1st floor with 33 book titles

- Campus 1, 1st floor in front of BAA with 91 book titles

- Campus 2, 1st floor with 51 book titles

Users can access this ebook collection by scanning the QR Barcode available at the UNIPMA Library Reading Spot. According to the announcement letter, the maximum reading distance from the spot is 200 meters. For those who want a printed version of the book, they can go directly to the library on the 2nd floor of the Integrated Lab Campus. Users can also propose the desired digital book titles through the library website at www.perpus.unipma.ac.id.

Tika Ayuningtyas, S.IIP, as UNIPMA Librarian, said that this latest service is expected to make it easier for the entire academic community to find the desired book. "We provide reading services not only inside the library, but also in outdoor areas. Therefore, we provide digital collection reading points in various spots," said Tika Ayuningtyas on Wednesday, 03/07/2024, when interviewed.

With this service, it is hoped that it can support the entire academic community in the teaching and learning process at UNIPMA. In accordance with its function, the library is not only an information center but also a place of recreation. This means that in addition to providing books to support courses or for research, the library also provides fiction collections such as novels, short stories, and collections of poetry.