Back In Fitrah, UNIPMA Balances Morals and Science. 

Madiun, 21 June, 2017. Zakat Fitrah is a charity that must be paid by Muslims in the beginning of Ramadan until the end of Ramadan. The amount is 3.2 liters or 2.5 kg of staple food. Same as Ramadhan before, Universitas PGRI Madiun facilitates the entire academic community in distributing zakat fitrah. The zakat fitrah collected in the form of rice for about 5 tons 478 kg. Zakat fitrah is then distributed in 1856 the dhuafa, the poor, takmir mosque and musholla in Madiun Regency and the former Residency of Madiun.

Hope in the future, in this blessings month and welcome this Idul fitri day, Zakat Fitrah paid by the entire Civitas Academica UNIPMA able to restore each to his nature to be a holy man. Through that nature, UNIPMA will advance together the balance of morals and knowledge.