On the Job Training in Madiun Governance  

One of the new programs launched by Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) is On the Job Training in Madiun Governance. This program established by the cooperation between Universitas PGRI Madiun and Madiun Governance. Students will be able to gain knowledge in Madiun Governance for a month. The governance which associated with, are: The Department of Education;  The Office of Investment; One Stop Services, Cooperatives and Micro Business; The Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports; Social Department, Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection; Trading Agencies; Office of Population and Civil Registration; Department of Revenue; The Department of Environment. Total students who involved in this program is 47 students from all study program in UNIPMA. In the future, hopefully with this program students are able to learn about the system of governance. So that one day, if they becomes part of the community, the knowledge and experiences that has been obtained through on the job training in Madiun governance can be applied. (Div. Humas-BKHK)