Practitioners Flood the Mathematics Education Study Program at the University of PGRI Madiun 

The Mathematics Education Study Program has completed its third Practitioner Lecture. This time the practitioner is talking about Geometry Learning Innovations.

Dr. Muhammad Noor Kholid, M.Pd is a practitioner lecture speaker. He is the head of the Mathematics Education Study Program at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Taking place in the UNIPMA Integrated Lab, the Mathematics Education students at the University of PGRI Madiun listened to the material provided. This Geometry lesson covers learning media, learning models, and learning objects.
This practitioner has benefits in the form of being able to increase student competency, provide a more dynamic, competitive, collaborative, participatory learning experience and acquire knowledge.

Thus, skills will further improve with new experiences from held practitioner lectures. The third practitioner of Mathematics Education aims to provide opportunities for universities to collaborate with practitioners. Then, it will be able to create competent and innovative students.

The hope for the future is to be able to implement it in the world of work and be able to develop learning geometry with the ATM method.