Congratulations and Success for Reaching “Very Good” Accreditation for the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program 

Thank God, after the accreditation, visitation was carried out. Based on the results of the assessment by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting, the Accreditation of PGRI Madiun University S1-Accreditation Study Program was accredited "Very Good."

In this regard, you express your deepest gratitude to;
1. The Dean and Deputy Deans for all the facilities and support that have been given since the preparation until the visitation.
2. Lecturers and staff of education staff at the Bachelor of Accounting, University of PGRI Madiun who are firmly and fully responsible for cooperation in the success of the visitation agenda as well as fellow Bachelor of Accounting Lecturers who have worked sincerely, consistently, and hard in all accreditation processes.
3. Students and alumni of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program and all parties who cannot be mentioned one by one when participating in the smooth running of the accreditation process.

Thank you for everyone's cooperation and participation. Hopefully, the S1 Accounting Study Program will be more classy, ​​quality, superior, and can be trusted by the wider community.