Ramadan Podcast: Guidance Counseling Education and UKKI At-Tarbiyah PGRI Madiun University Holds Talks on Religious Programs in the Month of Ramadan 

The Ramadhan Podcast is one of the activities organized by Counseling Guidance Education or the Guidance and Counseling Student Association (HIMABIKO) in the 2023 Ramadhan Echo series.

The resource person for this activity was very different, he was young and a member of UKKI At-Tarbiyah named Luthfi Ustadziyatul Ummah or usually called Latif.

He is the chairman of the UKKI At-Tarbiyah Membership at PGRI Madiun University from the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program.

The event which was held on Saturday, 08/04/2023 took place in the Campus 2 Counseling Guidance media room, 2nd floor.

The activity which started at 11.23 WIB discussed the UKKI At-Tarbiyah UKM work program with various benefits for religious sharing during the month of Ramadan.