lecturer in the mathematics study program at the UNIPMA, Becomes Chair of the Indonesian Mathematics Educators Society, East Java 

The administrators of the Indonesian Mathematics Educators' Society (I-MES) for the East Java Region were inaugurated by the General Chairperson of I-MES, Prof. Dr. H. Heris Hendriana, M.Pd. The inauguration was held in the Meeting Room of the UNIPMA Integrated Laboratory Building on Friday (30/1/2023) and was witnessed by the UM I-MES Supervisor, Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman As'ari, M.Pd., M.A., Professor at Jember University, Prof. Sunardi, M.Pd., East Java IndoMS Representative, Deputy Secretary General of I-MES, Moch. Lutfianto, M.Pd., Head of I-MES East Java Region, Dr. Wasilatul Murtafiah, M.Pd., (Lecturer in Mathematics at UNIPMA) Rector and Deputy Chancellor for Field IV UNIPMA, along with Lecturers in Mathematics Education in the East Java Region.

The inauguration ceremony was opened with a prayer led by Mr. Drs. Sanusi, M.Pd., with the hope that the inauguration could run solemnly. This event aims to improve and develop the quality of mathematics education, especially in the East Java region.
In his remarks Prof. Dr. H. Heris Hendriana, M.Pd., stated that this gathering event was a joy, following the I-MES jargon "Spreading benefits, spreading happiness to get benefits". The establishment of I-MES is based on benefits to society, and education, especially mathematics education.

"Hopefully the teachers and lecturers will develop more knowledge, and be useful in Mother Earth," he said.

Prof Heris also hopes that the hosting of the I-MES national conference in 2024 as well as the election for the general chairman of I-MES will be held in Madiun.

Head of I-MES East Java Region, Dr. Wasilatul Murtafiah, M.Pd. in his remarks said that the implementation of the inauguration of I-MES management at UNIPMA was an honor for UNIPMA and apologized if the facilities and infrastructure available at UNIPMA were inadequate, but with the sincere intention that UNIPMA is ready to support various I-MES activities. It is hoped that the programs held by I-MES will always be carried out well.

"Thank you for the trust and the opportunity for me to represent my friends in the mathematics study program, as Chair of the I-MES East Java Region, I need the support of ladies and gentlemen. We all also need support from our teachers," he said.

He hopes that with this I-MES East Java Region activity, asking for guidance so that we are always enthusiastic, with this I-MES platform we can expand and open up good opportunities, collaborate, and devote ourselves to developing mathematics education in the East Java region.