Spirit of Exploring Self Potential, UNIPMA Biology Education Study Program Holds National Student Achievement Workshop 

UNIPMA's Biology Education Study Program continues to encourage students' interests, talents and potential in their work. On Friday, (7/10/2022), UNIPMA's Biology Education Study Program held a student achievement development workshop outside the Ministry of Education and Culture involving 140 participants. This event is funded by a grant from the Merdeka Campus Competition Program (PKKM) in 2022. This activity is to support the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of higher education. This workshop aims to increase the quantity and quality of outstanding students at the national level in competitions outside the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"This event is held as a form of commitment and full support for the development of student achievements in the fields of talent, entrepreneurship, scientific writing, posters, and other competitions," said Dr. Linda Yuhanna, M.Si. as the PIC of this activity. This workshop presented Karunia Widhi Agatin Putri, one of the students from the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University who has won many competitions both nationally and internationally.

The concept of this workshop event was held in the form of material presentation, discussion, idea exploration, presentation of ideas and reviews from resource persons. Giving suggestions and input is done with a peer review system to make students more interactive and challenged in producing a creative idea. Karunia provided material on various competitions outside the Ministry of Education and Culture, strategies for compiling works, strengthening ideas, presentations and tricks and tips for winning competitions.

"UNIPMA Biology Education students are very enthusiastic, easy to grasp material and able to identify problems and solutions quickly," said Karunia Widhi Agatin Putri. The potential of Madiun and its surroundings can be developed into innovative works. Students only need to be given reinforcement and motivation to compete. Mentoring, intensive training and character building are, of course, very necessary for students to form a winning mentality.

The material presented in this activity is the making of scientific papers, essays, business plans, posters and other talent interest competitions. This workshop also provides a space for sharing sessions with UNIPMA presenters and students who have experience in winning competitions. "The material, tricks and tips from the presenters are very useful, then we will take part in writing, essay and poster competitions in November," concluded Rukma Nur Kumalasari, UNIPMA Biology Education Student.