Graduates with UNIPMAs Best Grade Point Average in 2022 

Determination of the Best Grade Point Average Graduates At the 1st undergraduate and 11th postgraduate diploma III Graduation of PGRI Madiun University (UNIPMA) in 2022 there were six graduates. Among them are Sarwono, M.Pd. S1-FKIP Chalifhannisa Alqadarin, S.Pd. S1-FIKS Monika Cicilia Kodu, S.Farm. S1-FEB Rinanda Felya Salsa Bella, S.M. S1-FT Okta Nur Wahyu Pratama, S.Kom. and Diploma III Dian Martanti, A.Md.M.

The six graduates were given awards in the form of trophies and certificates of appreciation by the Chancellor of UNIPMA, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd. accompanied by Vice Chancellor I, Dr. Elva Nuraina, S.E., M.M.Si. at the time of the graduation ceremony. One of the graduates with the Best Grade Point Average from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Chalifhannisa Alqadarin, S.Pd. representing the graduates giving a speech.

“I am very grateful to the lecturers who have patiently guided and taught me during my lectures. Thank you also to my parents who have struggled to send me to school until I can graduate with achievements that I didn't think I could get," said Nisa, her nickname.

Nisa also hopes that hopefully I can continue to be a person who makes my parents proud and can immediately apply the knowledge I have learned from UNIPMA to other people.

The same thing was said by Dian Martanti, A.Md.M. graduates with the Best Grade Point Average from the Diploma III program. He thanked Allah SWT for the blessings that have been given to us, to the family for the support and prayers that have always been given to us, to the tax management lecturers and the entire UNIPMA academic community for the knowledge and experience that has been given to us. .

“I hope that the knowledge we have gained can provide many benefits for us and the surrounding environment. Hopefully UNIPMA will be more advanced, increasingly recognized by all people on a national and international scale. Long live my UNIPMA.” Said Diane.

Not only that, the Chancellor of UNIPMA and the Vice Chancellor I also gave awards to Scholar Updasta Reswara UNIPMA. Among them are Hertanti, Best Biology Education I, Intan Mei Indah Sari Best English Education II, Nanda Arista Putri Best Management III. They are students who are active in the academic and student fields.