UNIPMA Computer UPT Trains IT Competence With Global Scale Platform 

UPT Computer organizes IT training for final semester students, lecturers and staff delegates. This activity is a concrete step after the MoU with vendors providing international standard IT training and certification services. Certiport as a leading global standard certification service provider portal has officially appointed UNIPMA as the first and currently the only International IT Certification Provider Center in Madiun.

IT training uses the GMetrix platform as a preparation for participants to take the International Computer Competency Test (UKK), namely IT certification in the field of Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) Certiport. The IT training was attended by more than 1000 participants and took place in 9 campus computer laboratories accompanied by each instructor in each lab. The instructors involved were 20 people consisting of UNIPMA lecturers and employees who have been trained and internationally certified in the field of Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) Certiport.

The IT training program lasts until the end of the year and is open to the public. The public can register by accessing the web address at https://ukk.unipma.ac.id for more information