UNIPMA Appointed as Center for International Standard IT Certification Provider in Madiun 

Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) through UPT Computer initiated the implementation of international standard IT competency certification. This is one of the efforts to improve the quality of graduates as well as one of the completeness of the Certificate of Companion Diploma (SKPI).

Certiport as a leading global standard certification service provider portal has officially appointed UNIPMA as the first and only International IT Certification Center in Madiun.

The signing of the cooperation agreement was attended by the Chancellor of UNIPMA Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd, Vice Chancellor IV Dr. Jeffry Handhika, M.Pd., M.Si, Head of Computer Unit, Mr. Andria, M.Kom., MTA., MCE., MOS. and staff in the UNIPMA courtroom on Thursday, (28/7/2022).

It is planned that the preparation and training program will be carried out in August and the scheduling of the IT certification implementation will be carried out in September 2022. The IC3 Digital Literacy certification is one of the added values ​​for SKPI for prospective graduates.

In addition, by having this certificate, prospective graduates can be considered to have competence in the field of digital literacy regarding computers and the internet so that it is very relevant to the needs of today's world of work.

It is possible that the IT certification program will also be followed by the public (public).