The Abdimas Team of UNIPMA Economics Study Program Gives Business Strategy Canvas Model (BMC) Training to Brem Enterprises in Kaliabu Village 

The Abdimas Team of UNIPMA Economic Education Study Program chaired by Ana Dhaoud Daroin consisting of Dwi Nila Andriani, Novita Erliana Sari and the student team of Alfarin Yogi Wardana, Kevin Prasetya Aditya Putra, did community service on the development of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) strategy for the UD Brem business. Taste Ambassador on Saturday, 02/07/2022.

This program involves the owners and core management of the UD Brem business. Duta Rasa, besides that employees are also given training to increase knowledge in developing a business. UD. Duta Rasa has been a partner of UNIPMA's Economic Education study program since 2021 in the implementation of the MBKM grant. Cooperation carried out in student work practices and entrepreneurship, in accordance with General Performance Indicators (IKU) 2.

Brem business growth from a home industry base, has developed into a promising industrial center, in one UD production. Duta Rasa can spend 2,000-3,000 kg of glutinous rice to produce juice which will later become the main ingredient for making brem. UD. Duta Rasa works with resellers and distributors for retail. The high market demand, in fact, cannot be matched by home production capacity.

Currently, the production workforce is 2 people who still use firewood and a simple stove in the processing. Community service activities in the UD Brem business. Duta Rasa is a form of tri dharma college for lecturers and students of the Economic Education study program at PGRI Madiun University. On this occasion, the community service team not only provided material related to business development but also provided grants in the form of 5 stove units to support the efficiency of Brem production.

"UD. Duta Rasa has the potential to grow big, with the help of these 5 stove units, it is hoped that it can increase production efficiency and increase daily production capacity, so that more markets can be reached," said Ana.

“The increased production capacity will be directly proportional to the turnover and income received, furthermore in a simple microeconomic analysis this will improve the welfare of the community, both owners/management and employees of UD. Ambassador of Taste," he added.

This community service activity does not only provide goods to support production capacity, but also provides additional knowledge through training on production efficiency, business management, good corporation, and the development of a business strategy model canvas (BMC) for the Brem business at UD. Ambassador of Kaliabu Village.

This community service activity can be carried out well thanks to the full support of the UNIPMA campus through the UNIPMA Research and Community Service Institute grant grant for the 2022 fiscal year.

“We are very grateful to partner with this UNIPMA campus, especially with the Economic Education Study Program. this activity really helps us, the cottage industry to be better, advanced and competitive.” said Parti, the owner of UD. Brem Taste Ambassador.

The community service team also felt happy to be able to share the knowledge gained while implementing MBKM activities in the Brem industrial center. "In the future, we hope that cooperation will be well established and there will be similar empowerment projects to help overcome MSME problems and their development," said Ana.