Heres how to apply for the 2022 UNIPMA KIP Scholarship 

Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) has opened the KIP Tuition Scholarship for SMA/SMK/MA students until July 29, 2022. The UNIPMA non-written independent pathway is free of registration fees.

The Smart Indonesia Card Scholarship (KIP) is a scholarship for students with economic limitations and achievement who want to continue their studies in higher education.

The requirements for the recipients of the Independent Lecture KIP are high school graduates (SMA), vocational high schools (SMK), or other equivalent forms who graduate in the current year or a maximum of 2 (two) previous years.

Has passed the selection of new student admissions through all entrances to Academic Colleges and Vocational Colleges and was accepted into PTN or PTS in Study Programs that have been officially accredited and recorded in the university's national accreditation system.

Have good academic potential but have economic limitations or come from poor/vulnerable poor families and/or with special considerations supported by valid documentary evidence.

Economic limitations as a condition for prospective recipients of KIP Merdeka Lectures are proven by:

1. ownership of the national education assistance program in the form of the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP); or

2. comes from a family of members of the Family Hope Program (PKH); or

3. Families of Prosperous Family Card (KKS) holders, or

4. students from social institutions/orphanages, or

5. students from families who are included in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

If the prospective recipient does not meet one of the 5 criteria above, then they can still register for the KIP Merdeka College as long as they meet the requirements of being economically disadvantaged in accordance with the provisions.

The registration procedure for the Independent Lecture KIP for all entry routes (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SNMPN, SBMPN and Mandiri) is carried out online through the Merdeka Lecture KIP page, namely

For further information, please contact UNIPMA PMB Admin: 082144544563