UNIPMA Lecturers Provide Training on Rehearsal of Bodies for the Sidomulyo Village Community 

Muslims have obligations to their brothers and sisters in faith, one of which is caring for the corpse. The law of caring for the corpse is fardu kifayah. If there is someone or several groups of people who have carried out these obligations, then the obligations of others to carry them out have fallen.

Hadith narrated by Muslim: 430 that "There is no Muslim who dies and then stands up to worship his corpse as many as forty people, all of whom do not associate anything with Allah, but Allah will intercede for the dead person."

Treating corpses requires special attention and corpses must be treated with care. Organizing the corpse is the obligation of the deceased's closest family, if the closest family is not there, then other Muslims. Al-Quran Surah At Taubah verse 84 explains that the bodies of men are taken care of by people who have been appointed by the deceased himself before his death (based on his will). Then the mother, daughter, close family of the deceased (Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, 2017).

There is a wrong assumption among some people that when someone dies, they are treated by the head of Kesra (People's Welfare) or Mr. Modin who is assisted by his deceased family, because this is not true.

The number of people who take care of corpses with minimal knowledge and seem to be original without knowing the obligations and sunnah that must be considered in caring for the corpse is something that must be justified and straightened out in order to honor the corpse.

Community service activities in curing training for the PKK and Sidomulyo Village Community are able to provide an overview to the community of human obligations to people who have died in accordance with Islamic law. The existence of this training provides an understanding to the people of Sidomulyo Village that Islam respects and loves the dead by caring for them politely so that human relations with the dead are regulated in Islam.

The training activities started from ways to deal with when someone died, starting from mentalkin during the time of death, bathing, shrouding, and praying the corpse in accordance with Islamic law.

The UNIPMA lecturer who provided the training was Dr. Rosyida Nurul Anwar, S.Pd.,M,.Pd.I who is a lecturer in Islamic Religious Education at UNIPMA. The people who participated in the training were the people of Sidomulyo Village, Sawahan District, Madiun Regency.

Participants consisted of people from Dusun Sidorejo, Hamlet Sidomulyo and Hamlet Wadeng along with women who were members of the PKK group in Sidomuyo Village, Kec. Fields. There were 30 participants, all of whom were women. It will be held on Sunday, June 19, 2022, at 8-12 WIB, in the Sidomulyo Village Head Office Hall, Kec. Fields. Regency. Madison.

The testimony of the results of the training is: According to Mrs. Kartika as a training participant, she said that she came to know that all this time in taking care of the corpse there were many things that were wrong and even it seemed that she did not glorify the corpse. With training, you will know that Islam really glorifies the dead, starting from bathing, shrouding, praying and even burying, which is regulated in Islam.