East Java Provincial Language Center Visit to UNIPMA 

PGRI Madiun University (UNIPMA) received a visit from the Language Center of East Java Province. The visit was in order to coordinate the implementation of the Independent Adaptive UKBI (Indonesian Language Competency Test) for students as well as to improve literacy culture on campus which was carried out in the UNIPMA Campus 1 Meeting Room. Monday, 20/6/2022.

Attending the visit, the Head of the East Java Province Language Center, Dr. Umi Kulsum, M. Hum, meanwhile Tri Winiasih, M. Hum was also present. , Siti Komariyah, S.Pd., and Wenni Rusbiyantoro, M. Hum. (Researcher) and Adi Saiful Muhtar, S.S (Instructor), the visit was welcomed by the Chancellor of UNIPMA, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd. Vice Chancellor for Division IV Dr. Jeffry Handhika, S.Si., M.Pd., M.Si, Dean of FKIP, Dean of Graduate Studies, Secretary of Postgraduate Study Program, Head of PBSI Study Program, Secretary of PBSI Study Program and Secretary of UNIPMA's Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations.

The event started with a welcome greeting from the Vice Chancellor for IV UNIPMA, Dr. Jeffry Handhika, S.Si., M.Pd., M.Si warmly welcomes and expresses his gratitude and also hopes that this collaboration is not only written and implied, but also follows up.

The Chancellor of UNIPMA, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd. The Chancellor of UNIPMA hopes that this collaboration will be well established. “At least students when they graduate have a certificate of expertise, so that they can be used properly. With language, we can develop personality and social values ​​to a higher level than what is commonly used by the general public." hope.

He also conveyed this to equip students to have competence, especially in the field of language.

Meanwhile Dr. Umi Kulsum, M. Hum, Head of the East Java Provincial Language Center emphasized that his party is ready to collaborate to create a literacy culture, so that the synergy between the government, universities and communities can be well developed and can bring about changes, especially in literacy culture.

Umi Kulsum also conveyed several programs that could be synergized with UNIPMA such as literacy, UKBI (Indonesian Language Competency Test), Literature Protection and Modernization Program, Translator Program, and also student internships at the Language Center of East Java Province.

In the future, the realization of UNIPMA's collaboration with the language center will be held by the PBSI (Indonesian Language and Literature Education) study program, both postgraduate (S2) and undergraduate level, and then relevant programs can be realized by other study programs.