UNIPMA Succeeded in Winning the 9th Best Rank at Porsenasma IV in Kediri 

Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) contingent successfully won the best 9th place in the 4th National Student Sports and Arts Week (Porsenasma) IV event in Kediri, 7-11 June 2022.

UNIPMA student delegates succeeded in closing this prestigious sports and arts event by recording 17 medals.

One contingent under it is the University of PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. While the overall champion was won by the host contingent, namely the Nusantara University PGRI Kediri.

UNIPMA's Head of Student Affairs Bureau, Arri Kurniawan, S.S., M.Pd. said the success of the students was a result of their hard work while undergoing training and under the direction of trainers who were UNIPMA lecturers who were competent in their respective fields.

“Alhamdulillah, UNIPMA managed to get 3 gold medals, 6 silver medals, and 8 bronze medals. So a total of 17 medals," he explained.

The details of obtaining the 17 medals include, badminton sports 1 gold medal and 1 bronze medal, scientific articles 1 gold medal, PKM proposals get 1 gold medal, swimming gets 4 silver medals, karate gets 1 silver medal and 3 bronze medals, Pencak silat got 1 silver medal and 1 bronze medal, athletics got 1 bronze medal, taekwondo got 1 bronze medal and futsal got 1 bronze medal.

Deputy Chancellor for Division I Elva Nuraina S.E., M.Sc., appreciated the achievements of students and hoped that future achievements could be even more improved, and in the future preparations would be more mature by practicing regularly and consistently.

“It is hoped that this Porsenasma will be able to develop the potential and achievements of students in the fields of sports and the arts. I also congratulate and give the highest appreciation to students who have made achievements. It is impossible for students to achieve all of this, without adequate guidance from coaches and also the support of all parties including PPLP -PT PGRI Madiun, Rectorate, BKm, UKM coaches, and the entire UNIPMA academic community," he said.

"To those who have not yet won a medal, I advise you not to be discouraged. Keep the spirit to achieve achievements according to their respective talents in the next various events, keep practicing consistently and with discipline.” he added.