Single Performance by Bissik of IKIP PGRI MADIUN 

Saturday, May 21, 2016, was the turn for Bissik to enliven the 41st Dies Natalis IKIP PGRI MADIUN by a single performance as the 27th production. The 27th production was performed at KORPRI Building Madiun. The theme of the performance was "GERR" which was written by Putu Wijaya and directed by Mamik Wae.

The plot of "GERR" begins when Bima suddenly died. The whole family was in grief and gathered around the coffin. Various mixed feelings filled within their hearts who gathered around the room. His father, mother, wife, children, relatives, neighbors, friends, guests, and a security officer were there. Bima will be buried soon. The people, because of either spontaneity, an honest statement or tasks, wept together. They collected a big wave to overthrow the coffin into the hole. Only two calm gravediggers stood on the side of the coffin with hoes and spades. They waited patiently the crying. They saw that every day.

There were many surprises and excitement found in this single performance. Hard efforts and works from the whole team really deserves appreciation. (Div. Humas-BKHK)