"LKTI SMA and all of its level at Eks-Karisidenan Madiun": Social Control Media and Science and Technology Development 

IKIP PGRI MADIUN (12/5) - In commemoration of the 41st anniversary of IKIP PGRI Madiun, KIM CENDEKIA held LKTI and the theme was "Fostering Critical Thinking Skills through Writing LKTI as a Social Control Media and Science and Technology Development". It was held in the meeting room 1, IKIP PGRI MADIUN.

"Participants who follow this competition are 53 schools. Those whose abstracts are selected as the best 20 have to send the full papers. It will be selected for the best ten and will be presented today to be the winner”, said Azin Masfian Nahar as the committee.

The event ran smoothly and closed with the announcement of the winner. The first winner is SMKN 1 Madiun. SMAN 3 Ponorogo won two trophies as the second and third winner. MAN 2 MADIUN also won two trophies as the first and and second runner up. "I cannot say anything more, we are grateful and do not think we will win. Finally, this hard work was dedicated to our seniors who had already fought before and to all citizens of MAN 2 Madiun. Hopefully, we could be even better for the future ", said Agung Aji, of of LKTI participant.