UNIPMA Lecturers Take Advantage of Digital Media to Improve the Quality of Learning at SD Madiun City. 

Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in Indonesia prior to entering the Covid-19 pandemic were generally only based on traditional learning methods, namely by conducting face-to-face learning in classrooms. Although certain institutions and schools have implemented blended learning methods, many of them are still stuck with the old procedures.

However, this pandemic situation is challenging the education system and forcing educators to switch to online teaching/online learning modes. Online learning itself is still a challenge for the world of education. Therefore, UNIPMA lecturers try to use digital media to improve the quality of learning.

This activity started with a research team from UNIPMA lecturers led by Hani Atun Mumtahana, S.Kom., M.Kom, with members Ridho Pamungkas, S.Kom., M.Kom, Dr. Hendra Erik Rudyanto, M.Pd. and Lingga Nico Pradana, S.Pd., M.Pd. is a collaboration of lecturers from the Information Systems study program and PGSD in collaboration with the Madiun City Bapedda, namely analyzing online learning needs in the midst of the covid pandemic in the Madiun City Elementary School environment. This activity was carried out through a survey of 33 public/private elementary schools in Madiun City with the type of questionnaire on Online Learning Facilities, Teacher and Student Digital Literacy and student learning motivation during online learning.

The results show the need for readiness of digital media-based learning facilities to improve the quality of learning, from 33 schools surveyed there are 74 teachers who still use WAG (WhatsApp Group) as a learning tool. while those who use LMS (Learning Management System) as one of the new learning management applications are 9 teachers.

Team Leader, Hani Atun Mumtahana, S.Kom., M.Kom said that this was also influenced by the understanding of digital literacy mastered by teachers or students. "The better the facilities provided by the school, the higher the level of understanding of digital literacy for teachers or students," said Hani.

The results of the survey have been submitted to the evaluation of activities attended by the education office and Bappeda of Madiun City and Kominfo of Madiun City, who enthusiastically welcomed the recommendations proposed to develop the quality of learning in elementary schools in Madiun City on 17/11/2021.


The research activity continued with community service activities through the MBKM Dikti Grant with the theme Digital Media Optimization in the elementary school learning process in Madiun City. The activity took samples from 3 schools, namely SDN 01 Manisrejo, Madiun City, SDN 01 Madiun Lor and SDN Pilangbango.


"In addition to providing assistance to teachers in utilizing digital media in the learning process, the TIM researchers also provide learning tools in the form of Pen Tablets and Modules and develop school websites that can be used as school promotion media," added Hani.