Socialization of PPLP PT PGRI Madiun Employment Regulations in 2021 

Thursday, March 31, 2022. The Board of Trustees of the Association for Higher Education Institutions of the Indonesian Teachers' Association (PPLP PT PGRI Madiun) held a Socialization of Employment Regulations. The activity was carried out at the Graha Cendekia building offline and online through the zoom meeting platform. Followed by the Management, Staff and Employees of PPLP PT PGRI Madiun on Thursday (31/3).


In his speech, Mr. Drs. H. Imam Sujudi as Chairman of the PPLP Foundation of PT PGRI Madiun revealed that the Foundation's Management has compiled several Technical Policy Products as a reference in carrying out its services, namely Employment Regulations. For a common understanding, socialization is needed to the Management and Employees so that there are no different perceptions.


This Employment Regulation is used as a guide for PPLP PT PGRI Madiun Management in regulating, managing and developing employees. Provide knowledge so that employees understand their duties, responsibilities, rights and obligations, disciplinary regulations, code of ethics, and working relationships at the Foundation. Improving employee performance and realizing cooperation, solidarity and strengthening the spirit of service in social services at the Foundation.


This is intended so that the work implementation process is carried out in a neat, orderly, and systematic manner from beginning to end so as to reduce and minimize employee errors or omissions in completing work and it is hoped that the quality of work will be better.