UNIPMA Lecturers Join the International Lecturer Exchange Program 

Thursday, March 31, 2022. Lecturers of the PGRI Madiun University (UNIPMA) participate in an international lecturer exchange program. There are four partners in this program including Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST), Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISATU), Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC), and Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU).


The courses that will be taught by lecturers from UNIPMA related to Biology Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training include Plant Ecology, Cell Biology, Bioentrepreneur I, Research Methodology, Biochemistry, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Microbiology and related to Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, namely Production planning and control (PPC and Industrial Statistics 1.


The PIC of this activity, Agita Risma Nurhikmawati, S.Hum., MA said that the exchange of teaching lecturers will be held in the even semester of the 2021/2022 Academic Year. In addition, Agita Risma said that the activity was one of several important indicators in order to realize UNIPMA as a Go International College.


The lecturers involved in this international lecturer exchange program are Pujiati, S.Si., M.Sc., Nurul Kusuma Dewi, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. Marheny Lukitasari, M.Pd., Muh. Waskito Ardhi, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ir. Ani Sulistyarsi, MM., M.Sc., from the Biology Study Program. Restu Lusiana, M.Pd., Fatriya Adiamura, M.Pd., from Mathematics Education. Dr. Rosita Ambarwati, M.Pd., Dr. Sigit Ricahyono, M.Pd., from the English study program. Dr. Jeffry Handhika, s.Si., M.Pd., M.Sc., from the Physics Education Study Program. Nik Amah, SE., M.Sc., Heidy Paramitha Devi, S.Pd., M.Sc., from the Accounting Study Program. Aliffianti Safiria ayu Ditta, SE., M.Ak., Indra AYU Fatmala, SE., MM., Putri Oktovita Sari., S.E., M.B.A from the management study program. Wildanul Isnaini, ST., M.Sc., Halwa Annisa Khoiri, S.Si., M.Sc., and Dewi Tryanasari, M.Pd. from the PGSD study program.