LPPM UNIPMA Holds Internal Socialization of Research Grants and Community Service 

Thursday. March 31, 2022. Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) held a socialization related to internal research grants and community service on Wednesday (30/03/22). The event was held online using the zoom meeting platform, attended by the UNIPMA academic community.


The event, which was moderated by Pujiati, S.Si., M.Si as the secretary for the ministry of LPPM, started at 10.00 – 12.00 WIB. UNIPMA Chancellor, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd. when opening the socialization, he said that through research, new understanding, technology, and solutions can be found for various problems faced by various parties, both students, universities themselves and the wider community.


"The importance of this research can help improve the quality of the university itself, so I hope that later lecturers from all study programs at UNIPMA will propose this research and service," added Dr. Supri.


The Chancellor of UNIPMA hopes that LPPM can cooperate and be able to carry out well with outside parties. Dr. Bambang Eko Hari cahyono, M.Pd. The Vice Chancellor for Division 3 of UNIPMA in his speech also hoped that UNIPMA would become a research-based university.


Dr. Fida Chasanatun, M.Pd. as the head of LPPM UNIPMA said that this socialization was carried out with the aim of increasing research outcomes and community service in order to improve UNIPMA's Main Performance indicators (IKU) while carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially in the field of research. For further information regarding the technicalities of internal research grants and community service, it can be understood through the manual published by LPPM UNIPMA.