Withdrawal of MBKM UNIPMA Thematic KKN Students in 2022 

Monday, March 28, 2022. After spending about 2 months participating in the KKN-T program, 73 groups of UNIPMA KKN-T students finally ended their service. One of them is a group in Sumberbendo Village, Saradan District, Madiun Regency.


According to Andri Wahyu Utomo, S.Pd., M.Or., Field Advisory Lecturer for KKN Sumberbendo village in his remarks during the student withdrawal event stated that the KKN-T Program is a process of fostering students to strengthen natural insight to understand the reality of people's lives with various problems and improve student skills in solving problems that develop in society.


Therefore, we ask for input and suggestions from partners regarding its effectiveness in this program.


In the KKN-T student withdrawal event which was attended by the Partners, village secretary, village head, KKN-T student representatives and DPL. The Partners in his speech expressed the hope that the knowledge gained by the students participating in KKN-T can be useful and in the future can lead students to enter careers after graduation.


The event for withdrawing students from KKN-T participants was closed with a session of handing over souvenirs from the Sumberbendo Village, Saradan District to the Field Supervisor (DPL) Andri Wahyu Utomo, S.Pd., M.Or., followed by a group photo.