UNIPMA Students Provide Assistance and Training on OSS and NIB Management for the Sidorejo MSME Group 

Friday, December 3, 2021. In accordance with Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards for Higher Education, and in article 15 there is a program that confirms that students have the right to study in other study programs at the same university, or at other universities, either in the same or different study programs, and outside the campus at non-PT institutions or in other terms Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus (MBKM). In Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020, it accommodates the demands for adjusting the quality of human resources, so that one of the Merdeka Learning-Independent campus programs, namely giving students the right to study outside the campus to optimize their hard skills and soft skills, is very appropriate. One of the student learning activities outside the campus is Community Service Project Citizen Based on Socio Entrepreneurship.

This Socio Entrepreneurship-Based Citizen Community Service Program is implemented by the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program, one of the study programs at the PGRI Madiun University by implementing KKN-T (thematic real work lectures) offline in Sidorejo Village, Wungu District, Madiun Regency. The KKN-T was attended by 11 students which was held from August 23 to September 30, 2021.

Field Assistant Lecturer (DPL), Andista Candra Yusro, S.Pd., M.Pd. said that for about a month more students of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education study program carried out various work programs that had been designed according to the theme, namely based on Socio Entrepreneurship. MSME actors in Sidorejo Village are the main center in the implementation of the KKN-T.

"Starting with a brief discussion with the Sidorejo Village government and BUMDes Karya Mandiri staff as the agency that oversees MSMEs and visits to various BUMDes business units so that all KKN-T students know their potential so they can be developed," he explained.

Furthermore, the students visited MSME actors to find out what their shortcomings and needs were so that they were assisted by students. By this KKN-T student, MSME actors were also assisted to renew their packaging, make product labels, promote digital marketing, and to legally recognize MSME products. KKN-T students also accompany MSME actors to obtain a PIRT (Home Industry Food) permit to the Health Office. Students coordinate for the licensing requirements, then accompany the MSME actors for technical guidance on food safety counseling from the Health Service and POM Center and the making of NIB (Enterprise Identification Number) which functions as an identification card for business actors.

Apart from the main focus, there are several other programs such as social services for distributing basic necessities with the village government and donations, orphans with Karya Mandir BUMDes, KKN-T students also distributing masks and hand sanitizer to several MSME actors as a form of concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. And finally, KKN-T students also participate in educational activities, namely learning assistance in TK and RA.
The community's response to KKN-T activities carried out by PGRI Madiun University students was very good, especially for MSME actors who felt very helpful because the programs carried out by these students could increase the interest of buyers so as to improve the economy. Especially in the assistance of PIRT permits, with the existence of PIRT permits that can expand the marketing reach of these MSME products.