IX Undergraduate and Postgraduate Graduation, UNIPMA Adds 839 Graduates 

Thursday, November 25. The Public Health Disaster of the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia has begun to slow down, this makes the procession of the graduation ceremony for the undergraduate and postgraduate IX UNIPMA offline and broadcast live via the UNIPMA You Tube live streaming channel. The event is organized with four sessions. Namely, sessions 1 & 2 will be held today, Thursday, November 25, 2021, and sessions 3 & 4 will be held on Saturday, November 27, 2021.

The offline graduation ceremony was opened and led directly by the Chancellor of UNIPMA Prof. Dr. H. Parji, M.Pd. from Graha Cendekia UNIPMA Building Jl. Auri No. 6 Madison. Along with the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellors, the Chair of the Senate and several members of the Senate were present, as well as the Deans around UNIPMA. While the other invitees included the Head of LLDIKTI Region VII Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA. present in video conferencing/zoom.

Compared to usual, offline graduation is indeed much different. Usually the Graha Cedekia UNIPMA Building is packed with graduates and their parents, as well as their families and colleagues waiting outside the building. But this time, the building, which has a capacity of approximately 2000 people, looks deserted and deserted. Hundreds of seats are arranged with a minimum distance of one meter due to the implementation of sessions and are required to wear masks and comply with health protocols.

In this IX undergraduate and postgraduate graduation, UNIPMA graduated 839 graduates from four faculties. In details, there are 538 graduates of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) undergraduate program, 162 graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).

Next, the Faculty of Engineering (FT) has 98 graduates, and the Faculty of Health and Science (FIKS) has 14 graduates. Interestingly, in this graduation series, the Best Graduates and with Praise are also announced at the same time. Session 1 of the best graduates of the Undergraduate Program, Titin Ervitas from Accounting Education with a GPA of 3.96, Rima Nurmalia from Indonesian Language and Literature Education with a GPA of 3.92, Dinna Ririn Agustina. from Economics Education with a GPA of 3.87, Nurul Kholifah from PPKN with a GPA of 3.87, Deby Pretitama from Guidance and Counseling with a GPA of 3.79. Serviana Mintartik from the History Study Program and Fitria Anugrahini 3, 73.

As for the Postgraduate S-2 level, the Best and Complimentary graduates are AGUSTINUS SUBARDI, M.Pd. from the PBSI Study Program with a GPA of 3.93. and Social Studies Study Program NIKO PARMANA PUTRA, M.Pd. with a GPA of 3.88.

Session 2 Ardiana Ayu Anjarwati from Biology Education with a GPA of 3.95. Yahya Dwi Wijaya, from Information Systems with a GPA of 3.93. Asdi Putra Prigas Prakoso from Engineering Electrical with a 3.91 GPA. Joshua Robby Rossevelt from Electrical Engineering with a GPA of 3.90. Alissa Qodrunnada from Mathematics Education with a GPA of 3.89. Zulfawati from Physics Education with a GPA of 3.87. Emylia Arghawaty from Industrial Engineering with a GPA of 3.86. Poppy Ananda Sri Rahayu from Pharmacy with a GPA of 3.85. and Nadhia Fikri Anti from Chemical Engineering with a GPA of 3.84.
At the offline graduation and broadcast via this youtube channel live streaming, UNIPMA Chancellor Prof. Parji conveyed congratulations to the graduates, hopefully the knowledge gained in college can be useful for themselves, for the community, nation and state. Although not inviting the parents of the graduates, it does not reduce the meaning of graduation on this day.
Then the Chancellor reminded that getting new jobs is not easy. “You have to always hone your skills because UNIPMA has provided many things, not only soft skills but also hard skills, entrepreneurial and leadership skills, we have even provided special training for graduates. You should be proud to be an alumni of UNIPMA, for the last 15 years we have always been at the forefront of academics and students. Our campus has even won 25 national level competition grants,” said Prof. Parji.
He also said that graduates should be proud and confident to take the next step. “All this cannot be done if the campus is not advanced and hopefully we can develop our achievements. And I am very grateful. Graduation today coincides with national teacher's day, also coincides with the 76th teacher's day, I wish you all success, all healthy", said Prof. Parji.
Head of LLDIKTI Region VII Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA. said in today's era if we do not have the competitiveness it will be displaced. So that graduates are required to have competitiveness in solving problems in the field, so they must solve problems appropriately, quickly and wisely.
"It's difficult, you have to have an innovative and responsive and creative spirit. Unipma Kampus is successful with a storehouse of achievements, so you must be proud and increase your confidence in facing real life," said Prof. Prapto.