Third Day UNIPMA Alumni Debriefing, Give Tricks to pass the PPPK Selection, Pre-Office PPG Knowledge and Entrepreneurship 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021. Continuing the briefing of Alumni Candidates on Day Three, Unipma Alumni Candidates are provided with tricks to pass the PPPK selection, Pre-Service PPG Knowledge and Entrepreneurship. The third day of debriefing was opened by the Dean of FKIP Unipma, Dr. dr. Cicilia Novi Primiani, M.Pd.

In her speech, Novi said that with this alumni debriefing, hopefully it will give an idea to the prospective UNIPMA alumni who will graduate this year about what the world of work will look like and the realities that will be faced in the future.

"The success of a person's life is not only from his intelligence, but also from his perseverance. I really hope that prospective alumni students will remain enthusiastic in participating in this activity, and pay close attention. We have to work, on this hero's day, let's ignite the spirit to achieve a good future”, said Novi when opening the activity.

This activity presented three speakers from UNIPMA alumni namely Rosyida Yulianti, Asti Kiana Putri Kinanthi, and Nur Huda and was guided by Candra Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd. as moderator, the event was divided into three sessions where each speaker was given 45 minutes to present their material.

The material presented is different for each speaker. Like Rosyida Yulianti who conveyed about the preparation or knowledge of Pre-Office PPG, Asti Kiana Putri Kinanthi who conveyed about how to prepare to pass the PPPK selection, and Nur Huda who conveyed about entrepreneurship.

With the material provided, there are many benefits that prospective UNIPMA alumni can get as stated by Wendy Difficultyorini, an 8th semester student of the Economics Education study program. regarding Pre-Office PPG and Entrepreneurship. That's where I came to know about the Pre-Office PPG, which at first I didn't know the plot at all,” he explained.