Debriefing for First Day Alumni, Unipma Students are provided with Tricks to pass Psychological Tests and CVs, Tips for Passing CPNS and Tips for Further Study Abroad 

Monday, November 8, 2021. Just before leaving campus, Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) through the Tracer Study Bureau continues to galvanize students' soft skills. This is evidenced by the holding of Alumni debriefing for UNIPMA students. The debriefing event was held online November 8-12, 2021, through the Zoom Meeting application and UNIPMA Live Youtube.

The event was officially opened by the Chancellor of UNIPMA, Prof. Dr. Parji, M.Pd. In his speech he revealed that UNIPMA strengthens students in the final stages before students leave campus. There is a special provision for students in facing the real future. "We know where in the industrial era 4.0 getting a job is not easy, therefore the debriefing of UNIPMA alumni is carried out as well as possible so that they are not surprised in facing and entering the world of work later," said Prof. Parji.

Besides that, Prof. Parji also said that this activity will provide opportunities for students to get jobs or create jobs and further studies. "With the words of Bismillah, the debriefing of Unipma alumni, today I declare that it can be started. Enthusiasm for prospective alumni, rest assured that this campus always provides the best contribution,” he said when opening the Alumni Briefing.

The first day Alumni Debriefing Activity presented 3 speakers including, the first material was delivered by Juliana Hindradjat (Lecturer at STT Kharisma Bandung) who provided briefing with various techniques and tips to achieve success in the world of work through tricks to pass the Psychological Test and make a CV. Identify job opportunities to tips on winning the world of work. Followed by the second material by Ayu Budi Pratiwi (2019 Alumni) who provided briefing with various techniques and tips for passing CPNS. Then the last speaker was Dwi Rosita Sari (2009 Alumni) who provided briefing with various techniques and tips to achieve further study abroad.

Then at the end of the session, it was continued with a question and answer session related to the provision of material from the three speakers.

Head of UNIPMA Tracer Study Bureau, Andista Candra Yusro, M.Pd. conveyed that the alumni briefing was carried out to complete the readiness of graduates to enter the community, enter the world of industrial work. The choice of service to work in the private and government sectors, strategies in order to face free competition. On this day also given insight related to the prospect of continuing their studies to a higher level both within the country and the country. With the ultimate goal of being able to increase the competitiveness of UNIPMA graduates both in the national and international arena.