UNIPMA Webinar: Sports Culture for Advanced Indonesia 

Saturday, November 6, 2021. In today's modern era, all facilities are spoiled with various facilities or very advanced technologies. It has both positive and negative impacts in life if it is not dealt with in a balanced way. Whereas physical activity is very important for human health in carrying out daily activities.

Sedentary activities caused by activities that can be done with too much technology/digital will result in the risk of disease. Such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and many others. One effort that is considered to reduce the risk of this disease is to increase physical activity. Physical activity is sports.

Titin Kuntum Mandalawati, M.Or. as a Webinar resource person said that sport is a tool to improve health status, which means improving the quality of human resources. “The way to improve the quality of human resources is one of them getting used to a healthy lifestyle, getting used to exercising regularly, directed and measured. Exercise must be in accordance with the dose, otherwise side effects will appear,” he said.

Ways to improve a healthy lifestyle and excellent physical fitness include eating behavior and/nutritional status, rest arrangements, mental and spiritual balance and physical activity/sports.

"The criteria for healthy food include sufficient quantity, proportional, sufficient quality, healthy/hygienic, natural fresh food, not excessive cooking methods, regular presentation, and drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day," he explained.

Improving a healthy lifestyle and excellent physical fitness in addition to food arrangements as well as rest arrangements. Adequate rest between 5-7 hours per day and always think positive and physical activities such as washing, sweeping, walking.

Titin explained the need for exercise planning, namely the intensity of exercise according to the dose, duration of time, frequency of exercise, and the right type of exercise and exercise progression. After exercise, it should be noted that it is not recommended to eat too full, drink moderately because after exercise a lot of sweat, and it is not recommended to take a shower immediately and are encouraged to change into dry clothes first.

At the end of the material, Titin gave some tips to get used to doing sports with the 6 M, namely: 1) Starting sports from ourselves, and our families. 2) Get used to the discipline to get up early and do physical activity or exercise at least 30 minutes a day and gradually increase. 3) choose a sport that is fun. 4) make a fun schedule according to the principle of practice. 5) choose a fun sport venue. 6) do sports with friends, relatives or family.