PKM-RSH UNIPMA: Development of a Madiun Local Culture-Based Literacy Module for Elementary School Students 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Literacy skills are very much needed in facing the demands of the 21st century. Because people who have literacy skills will be able to compete in global life. Related to the importance of literacy skills, it is not accompanied by reality.

Literacy skills, especially children, are still inadequate. Children will be lazy when asked to read books, news, or other learning resources. Based on the results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with several elementary school teachers in Madiun City, it was confirmed that children need stimulus or stimulation so that children have adequate literacy.

One of the reasons researchers chose the literacy learning module is because the literacy learning module is a learning vehicle that helps teachers to be able to relate subject matter to situations in the real world through an interesting literature or reading.

PKM-RSH (Humanities Social Research) Advisor, Dr. Hendra Erik Rudyanto, M.Pd. said that "With this literacy learning module, it can also make students more active and increase students' reading interest so that later reading becomes a culture because it is packaged in an interesting concept and relates it to the Madiun culture which incidentally is part of students' lives," he said.

With literacy learning learning outcomes are expected to be more meaningful for students. The learning process takes place naturally in the form of reading, understanding, and experiencing activities, not the transfer of knowledge from teachers to students, in literacy learning students are also expected to be able to find, understand and construct their own knowledge, because it is assumed with good strategies and approaches then will get good learning outcomes as well.

In addition, Hendra also explained that this literacy learning book model was unique, namely it raised Madiun's local culture as its substance. Through a culture that is known to students, it is hoped that it will make it easier for children to understand the material.

“In the Literacy learning module activity based on Madiun local wisdom, it provides fun learning opportunities and can increase learning creativity. In addition, students can also recognize the cultural values ​​around them,” he added.
In general, the Literacy learning module is the same as other learning modules that want students to be more active in teaching and learning activities, so that teachers can assess their students' understanding well. In addition, this research activity is also an innovation and teacher evaluation material, to be more creative and confident in trying various learning models other than the traditional model which tends to be monotonous and boring for students.
PKM-RSH Team Leader Siti Lutfiah explained the purpose of this study was to test the quality of Madiun's local culture-based digital literacy module for elementary school students "in addition to testing the practicality of Madiun's local culture-based digital literacy module for elementary school students if applied in learning. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D)”, he said.
According to his statement, the module development procedure uses the ADDIE model which includes Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluate. The subjects of this research trial were elementary school students grade 5 Madiun City, East Java. "The results of the study show that the developed module meets the very feasible criteria based on the results of the validator's assessment, and meets the practical requirements when used in learning," he added.