Welcoming Youth Pledge, UNIPMA Holds Webinar: Head of Study Program Serving for Smart and Competitive Generation 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021. PGRI Madiun University (UNIPMA) will hold a special webinar in order to celebrate the 93rd Youth Pledge Day in 2021. This activity is titled PGRI Madiun University for Indonesia: Chair of the Study Program Serving the Smart and Competitive Generation.

Very interesting, this webinar will present 28 Academicians of PGRI Madiun University as speakers. Among them are the Chancellor and 27 Heads of Study Programs at UNIPMA. The webinar was divided into 6 themes and was held via Zoom, live YouTube at PGRI Madiun University.

The webinar will start on October 21-28, 2021 at 13.30-16.00 WIB. Dr. Jeffry Handhika, S.Si., M.Pd., M.Si As the Chief Executive of this activity explained the purpose of this webinar activity as a form of dedication from the Unipma academic community to the country and commemorating the 93rd Youth Pledge Day in 2021.

The 6 themes of the webinar include, strengthening sensitivity and social skills for a tough Indonesia, innovation in education to produce a tough generation, preparing an entrepreneurial generation towards a tough Indonesia, STEM-based Appropriate Technology for a tough Indonesia, Healthy and Fit Behavior Towards a resilient Indonesia, and Equitable Law for a Tough Indonesia.

"The output of this webinar activity is in the form of thoughts from the Unipma academic community which are made in the form of academic texts," said Jeffry.

He said, to broaden the knowledge of the millennial generation, young people can participate in the webinar activity Enliven the 93rd Digital Youth Pledge in 2021 by registering via the link https://bit.ly/Webinar_UNIPMA_Berseri with a contact person on 085732923200 (Dr. Wasilatul Murtafiah, M .Pd.)