National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) of Universitas PGRI Madiun 

Saturday. May 29, 2021. As a vehicle for practicing express ideas or research results in the form of systematic and methodological scientific works. Hopefully this scientific work will become a vehicle for the transformation of knowledge. In Higher Education, students are trained to produce scientific works such as papers, laboratory reports and thesis.

In a series of events for the 46th UNIPMA Anniversary, a National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) was held. The target of this LKTI festival is SMA / SMK / MA Students throughout Indonesia. It aims for students to practice basic skills to conduct research. So that not only consumers of knowledge, but also able to become producers of thinking and writing in the field of science.

With the theme "The Role of Youth in Developing Self Potential in Facing the Digital Age", the National LKTI festival was officially opened for registration from 25-30 May 2021. There are several sub-themes determined by the competition committee including, Education, Socio-Culture, Technology, Environment, Economy, Health, and Human Rights / Democracy.

Coordinator, Sesaria Prima Yudhaningtyas, M.Pd. said that registration will be closed in one day, for those who are interested immediately to register with the committee because the judging will be held on June 3-4, 2021 and the announcement of the winners will be held on June 7, 2021.

"The National LKTI registration schedule does not have additional time, so it is according to the time line," he said. (Saturday, 29/5/2021)

He also hopes that this festival can accommodate and provide a forum for students to channel their aspirations and ideas in the field of scientific work.