UNIPMAs English Education Study Program Wins “Very Good” Accreditation Predicate 

Obtaining accreditation of study programs in tertiary institutions is an important representation in measuring the existence of study programs, recognition of institutions that have met the requirements and attractiveness of enthusiasts to prospective students. Accreditation is a form of assessment (evaluation) of the appropriateness and quality of a tertiary institution or study program carried out by an independent organization or body outside the university.

One of them, UNIPMA's English Teaching Education Study Program which is located at Jalan Setiabudi No. 85 Madiun has successfully achieved the accreditation predicate “Very Good” and has met the requirements based on the BAN-PT decision No. 2997 / SK / BAN-PT / AKRED / S / V / 2021 in the period 18 May 2021 - 18 May 2026. The importance of study programs accreditation greatly determines the feasibility and guarantees the quality of study programs, both internally and externally.

Head of Study Program, Samsul Arifin, S.Pd., M.Pd. greatly appreciates the success of the predicate for the English Teaching Education Study program to achieve the title “Very Good”. When contacted, he said that the achievement was took a very long process.


"It is a very long process and this spurs us to be able to improve all aspects of the implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, both academic and non-academic, so that later it will become a superior study program," he explained. Saturday, (22/05/2021).

He also hopes that students, especially PBI students, will maximize their potential, both academically and non-academically.

 "Hopefully the PBI study program will be more advanced and establish cooperation at the international level, so that UNIPMA can continue to improve the quality of study programs that have an impact on the quality and graduation of students," he hoped. He also hopes that PBI students will be more active, productive and innovative by actively competing at the local, national and international levels.