BKH UNIPMA Holds 2021 Overseas Scholarship Talk show 

Friday, 21 May 2021. Getting the opportunity to study abroad with an international scholarship financing scheme is the dream of every student. To help students realize this dream, the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of UNIPMA, again held a 2021 Overseas Scholarship Talk show, Friday (21/5/2021), online through a zoom meet.
"This talk show has become an annual agenda held by BKH UNIPMA. Through this activity, it is hoped that students will be more motivated to get scholarships abroad and open their minds about various things that should and can be done to get international scholarships, "said Deputy Head of Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Agita Risma Nurhikmawati, S.Hum., MA
The speaker was presented by young academics from IELTS Operations Executive of IDP Yogyakarta who are experienced and have received many scholarships for foreign education, Agatha Elma Febiyaksa. As explained by Agita Risma Nurhikmawati, S.Hum., MA, the main requirement for obtaining international scholarships is of course students must improve their competence, especially their English language skills. Then, you must know some financing schemes and find out how to access educational institutions abroad that provide scholarships.
"The ability to speak English is the main requirement. Then, it must be motivated, confident and understand the scholarship schemes provided by both domestic and overseas institutions. There are so many ways to get scholarships abroad, we just want it or not, "said Agita Risma Nurhikmawati, S.Hum., MA.