UMKM Thematic KKN Program, Universitas PGRI Madiun 

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021. During a pandemic like this, UMKM actors experience a decline in profits. Due to the limitation of social interaction which resulted in reduced activities which resulted in the cessation of the production process and reduced demand for goods and services, many MSMEs experienced decreased profits and even suffered losses.

LPPM UNIPMA runs the UMKM Thematic KKN Program with the hope that students can help, by raising their efforts to adjust to the new normal era by utilizing IT in their business. However, with a digital ecosystem requires special skills that must be carried out by business actors. For this reason, there is a need for assistance by KKN students in increasing sales through digital strategies.

Mrs. Apri Kartikasari HS, M.Pd. as the 2020 KKN Secretary explained, that with these UMKM problems, it is necessary to conduct socialization and training to village communities and MSMEs so that they have the knowledge and skills in doing digital marketing.