Closing Caremony Webinar Series "Systemic Functional Linguistics Universitas PGRI Madiun for SDG 4.7" 

Thursday, February 11, 2021. Online learning does not rule out the possibility of limiting students from being required to work and practice independently. Likewise with Universitas PGRI Madiun students, the 5th semester of the English Language Education Study Program. Advanced Systemic Functional Linguistics course, with Mr. Dr. Sigit Ricahyono, SS., M.Pd. This subject task for final examination is collecting the analysis. Therefore, he held this webinar to continue the discussion and also the Final Examination task itself.

Through google meet, the webinar activity is held for five days, starting on Monday, February 1st to Friday, February 5th, 2021 at 19.00 WIB - 20.30 WIB. Students for each class in the webinar have their own room. "I only monitored from class to class, so in one series there were five students (became presenters) while the others became participants / participants", said the lecturer, Mr. Dr. Sigit Ricahyono, SS., M.Pd.

The objectives of the webinar were among others, firstly, because lectures should not stop only at the Final Examination assignment, but must bring benefits to students as well as to the community. Students will get a certificate as a speaker who present their paper and get a participant certificate for participants who take part in the webinar because they can use it as the data for SKPI. Second, in order to train students to dare in appearing in the webinars. Because each class has a different topic in the webinar, including local and national tourism, Asia and Africa - Europe. This is prepared so that students' insights can broaden internationally.