Training On The Use Of Google Classrooms And Making Camtasia Videos As The Learning Media Online At Elemetary School Of Gugus Ii Manguharjo 

Agustus, 27 2020. Universitas PGRI Madiun Lecturer Team held training on the use of google classrooms and making camtasia videos in Community Service activities. This training is a part of the Community Service grant program funded by LPPM UNIPMA. The team consist of Tri Wahyuni ​​C, M.Pd., Sri Lestari,M.Pd., and 3 students of Universitas PGRI Madiun. The training was held at SDN Madiun Lor 5 in compliance with applicable health protocols.

The activity was attended by 45 teachers of SD Gugus II Manguharjo. Opened with remarks from the principal, UNIPMA lecturer representatives, and elementary school supervisors. This was followed by the signing of the MoU on activities and submission of a guide module for using the Google Classroom application and making learning videos with Camtasia.

In its implementation, the training is divided into two classes including the Google Classroom and the Camtasia class. With the hope, elementary teachers in Gugus II Manguharjo can take advantage of Google Classroom and Camtasia as online learning media. Especially during this pandemic, learning using online media is the most effective way during the learning period from home.