Selection Strategy and Preparation for Entering the World of Work 

Entering the second day of the alumni debriefing series, prospective students of Universitas PGRI Madiun are equipped with strategies to prepare in entering the world of work. Starting from administration, psychology tests, interviews, to field competences. Anita Nurul, M.Psi, a psychologist, a resource person for the 2nd day of the alumni briefing gave lots of tips in dealing with psychological tests and interviews.

"Understand the questions, answer them completely, and use the opportunity to ask questions as best as possible," said Anita Nurul, M.Psi, a psychologist. In addition, Anita Nurul also said that she should avoid using the words 'maybe' and / or 'a little bit overpowering' in the interview because it will turn off itself.

Students can also prepare as early as possible by attending seminars or workshops related to work preparation. At Universitas PGRI Madiun itself there is also a UPBK or Psychology Guidance and Counseling Unit where students can consult easily. Richa Pramudia Trisnani, M.Pd, head of UPBK UNIPMA also said that UPBK always welcomes students who wish to consult. Students will be guided and nurtured to be better prepared for the selection of the world of work.

Quoting what Drs. R. Bekti Kiswardianta, M.Pd, Vice Chancellor 3 of Universitas PGRI Madiun in his speech, that a person's ability or success is not measured by intelligence or which college is entered, but students must develop soft skills, empower themselves, and explore their own abilities. Therefore, preparing as early as possible is a very good step in achieving success in the future.