UNIPMA Success Held The Equation Of Perception Of School Assignment Programs 

MADIUN -  School Teaching Assignment Team (PDS) of Universitas PGRI Madiun successfully conducted program socialization through activities entitled "Equation of Perception of LPTK Revitalization Program through Assignment of Lecturers in Schools in 2019". This activity was held in the Campus 1 Meeting Room of the Universitas PGRI Madiun on May 27, 2019 by inviting Principals and Teachers from partner schools and PDS lecturers. This event was opened by Dr. H. Parji, M.Pd. as the Chancellor of the Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) and continued with the delivery of a message that generally expressed hope that the implementation of this program would run smoothly and specifically through this program could improve the quality of UNIPMA.
Dr. Marheny Lukitasari, M.Pd., as the chair of the PDS team at the Universitas PGRI Madiun, stated that there were two important materials to be conveyed in this activity, namely an overview of the PDS program and techniques for implementing the PDS in 2019. With these activities, the parties involved directly with the PDS program can carry out the rights and obligations properly and maximally.
