Halal Bi Halal 1438H Family of PPLP PT PGRI MADIUN 

The big families of PPLPT IKIP PGRI MADIUN held Halal Bi Halal 1438H on July 5th, 2017 at Graha Cendekia. The event was attended by all the big families of PPLPT IKIP PGRI MADIUN and their respective families, representatives from students orgamawa, representatives from partners, representatives from community leaders and also representatives from residents around the campus. This event was livelier with the presence of KH.Hamim Jaszuli, S .Ag. As a lecturer in Halal Bi Halal 1438H.

Halal bi halal event was started with a prayer read by students from UNIPMA, as well as remarks from the Rector and also chairman of PPLP PT PGRI MADIUN. Halal bi halal which is done as a routine agenda every year is aimed to strengthen the ties of Hospitality and also as a chance to meet the whole community not only from the UNIPMA, but also from the people around campus, "this event is used to meet all citizens without different religions and so forth "said the chairman of Halal bi halal father of Ibn.

As we know that, Eid al-Fitr, is the day of victory for all Muslims. After carrying out the mandatory fasting for about 30 days directly continued to carry out Ied prayers. The most important thing from this worship is to be back to be victorious winner to each nature with each other forgives.