FKIP UNIPMA Holds Alumni Debriefing, Preparing Prospective Graduates with Creative Insights for the Nation 

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) held a briefing for prospective alumni on Wednesday, 25/09/2024, yesterday. The event, which was held online via zoom metting and broadcast on Youtube Universitas PGRI Madiun, is a series of UNIPMA Career Fair 2024, the peak of which will be held at Graha Cendekia UNIPMA on 26 September 2024.

With the theme ‘Developing Teachers’ Professional Skills in the World of Work,’ this activity aims to equip prospective FETT graduates to be ready to face the world of work, and be able to develop the knowledge gained during college to have a professional and creative career. With this provision, prospective alumni are expected to apply their knowledge to achieve success and be ready to face the challenges of life.

Two resource persons presented at the event, Heny Sulistyo Rini, M.Pd (Head of Public Relations of SMPN 1 Geger & Teacher Practitioner), and Binti Isticomah, S.Pd. Gr (SDN Selokajang 01 Kab. Blitar, MBKM Experience Kemdikbud PMM, KM, MSIB, & Already P3k). Both shared experiences and insights related to developing and developing professional teachers in the world of work.

Heny Sulistyo Rini in her material emphasised the importance of developing various skills to support the teaching profession in the world of work. Meanwhile, Binti Isticomah highlighted the importance of strengthening skills and competency development, through activities that are in accordance with the field of science or other fields to strengthen the personal competence of alumni, so that they are ready to compete, as UNIPMA's motto is Smart & Competitive.

The event was also attended and opened by the Dean of FETT, Dr. Sardulo Gembong, M.Pd., along with lecturers and students of FKIP UNIPMA alumni candidates. In his remarks, the Dean of FETT emphasised the importance of this briefing to open the insights of prospective graduates so that they are ready to become creative alumni for the nation. ‘I am proud and hope that the FKIP alumni candidates will not only become teachers, but also be able to think creatively, so that they can provide the best for the nation,’ said Dr Sardulo Gembong, M.Pd.

This briefing is expected to open insights for prospective FETT alumni, strengthen their mentality to face the world of work and encourage them to become creative, innovative and resilient people.