Another Achievement! 2 PGRI Madiun University Team Proposals Passed the 2024 Laboran Innovation Work 

Two proposals from the Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) team have successfully passed the Karya Inovasi Laboran (KILab) 2024 program. This innovative work is the result of the dedication and hard work of the team participating in the competition organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

The first proposal that made it through was “System Information Practicum Online Learning (SIPOL) Based on Remote Laboratory”. The team that proposed this innovation consisted of Innal Mafudi, Chintya Pralampita Hendrastati, and Nurike Mey Dwijayanti. Their innovation aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of online practicum learning by utilizing a remote laboratory.

The second proposal was “Portable Electric Vehicle Trainer” submitted by the team of Rizki Dwi Wisesa and Rizky Bindra Permana. This innovation focuses on making a portable electric vehicle trainer, and can be used as an educational aid in understanding electric vehicle technology.

The success of these two proposals is a follow-up to the Ministry of Education and Culture's decision letter number: 0736/E4/DT.04.03/2024 dated February 27, 2024. In the decree, the Director of Resources determined 98 teams that passed the funding of the 2024 Laboran Innovation Work Grant Program proposal.

Later, KILab 2024 participants are required to attend debriefing related to the KILab contract and accountability mechanism. This debriefing will be held online and further information will be submitted via email.

This achievement is expected to motivate PGRI Madiun University students to continue to work, innovate, and contribute to the development of science and technology in Indonesia.