UNIPMA Organises Workshop on Accreditation Assistance for Electronic Scientific Journals to Improve Publication Quality 

Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) through the Scientific Publication Development Center held an electronic scientific journal accreditation assistance workshop on Tuesday, 11/06/2024, yesterday. This activity took place at the UNIPMA Integrated Lab and was officially opened by the Rector of UNIPMA, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd. 

In his remarks, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd. emphasized the importance of this event for UNIPMA lecturers. "I hope that the lecturers will follow this activity to the end. With the aim that lecturers gain new knowledge about scientific journal publications. In the future, this can help lecturers to improve the quality of journals at Universitas PGRI Madiun,” he said.

This workshop presented two speakers who are experts in their fields. The first speaker, Yoga Dwi Arianda, S.T., is the Coordinator of Scientific Journals and Scientific Publications at DRTPM Kemendikbudristek. The second resource person, Prof. Dr. Indrya Mulyaningsih, M.Pd., is the Chairperson of the PPJB-SIP Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Journal Managers and their Teaching.

This activity was attended by a number of UNIPMA lecturers who followed with enthusiasm. The uniqueness of this event can be seen from the arrangement of the participants' benches which are formed in a box arrangement, creating an interactive and lively atmosphere throughout the workshop session.

During the workshop, participants were also invited to discuss and share experiences in managing scientific journals. This interactive and informative discussion is expected to provide new insights for lecturers in improving the quality of scientific publications on campus.

With this workshop, UNIPMA hopes to improve the overall quality of the university through improving the quality of scientific journals produced. UNIPMA Rector, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd, added, “This activity is an important step for UNIPMA to continue to innovate and improve academic standards through quality scientific publications.” He continued.

The workshop which lasted for one day was even warmer with a group photo. This proves how compact the UNIPMA lecturers are. The hope is that after attending this workshop, lecturers can be more confident in managing scientific journals and achieving higher accreditation.