After officially renamed from IKIP PGRI Madiun into the University of PGRI Madiun, there are a lot of things that have to be overhauled, especially in the leadership composition. Dr.H.Parji, M.Pd. which originally served as Rector of IKIP PGRI Madiun, trusted to be the supreme leader of UNIPMA. The decision to entrust the leadership was based on the agreement of all UNIPMA elements.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 the solemn atmosphere was felt at Graha Cendekia University of PGRI Madiun. The process of oath-taking in the name of the holy book “Al-Quran” as elected Rector was held. The elected rector promises to devote him selves willingly and responsible to UNIPMA. This event was witnessed by the faculty, staff, and the chairman of the academic community “Orgamawa” UNIPMA.

The Chairman of PPLP PT UNIPMA on that occasion was asked to induct the rector of UNIPMA. By having five faculties and 24 study program, in the future Dr. H. Parji., M.Pd. wants to strengthen the foundation of UNIPMA. UNIPMA is expected to be able to compete with other universities in Indonesia. Start from now, the responsibility of UNIPMA is not only to generate prospective teachers but also produce the competent, and qualified generation.

Divisi Humas/BKHK - Foto: UNIPMA