National Press Day: Journalists Madiun Free Financial Affairs For Maximum Output 

On the Radar office page Madiun attended by journalists, Java radar post madiun held a talk show titled & ldquo; literacy & rsquo; Java's Day national press radar post madiun & rdquo; with the theme of freedom of the press, Sunday 8 February 2015 in Madison.

The event was held to commemorate the national press and to inaugurate the building that has been renovated madiun radar and aims to share the journalism students in particular, the radar madiun as organizers of the event invited speakers who rated competent in the world press that also accompany the journey radar madiun for this is the Rector of PGRI MADIUN Teachers' Training College Dr. H. Pardji. Mpd, Director of Jawa Pos Radar Madiun Mr. Aris Sudanang, as well as senior journalists. And also enlivened by the appearance of & nbsp; students.

The event which lasted for 2 hours was followed with enthusiasm by the participants even under the rain, it can be seen from some of the questions posed by the participants of the sources and vice versa. Giving rise to expectations of Mr. Aris as Director of Radar Madiun that, & ldquo; The journalist has a future of responsible freedom and free from financial problems so it can work with the maximum. & Rdquo; Aris father said to one reporter Educational Campus Press.

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